donderdag 3 september 2015

Classroom English

Het komt steeds vaker voor dat Engels gebruikt wordt als tweede taal in het onderwijs. 
Heeft u voldoende kennis van de Engelse taal? Hoe past u Engels toe in het tweetalig onderwijs? 

Hieronder volgt een lijst van voorbeelden die u kunt gebruiken in de les:

The start of the lesson

Did you have a good weekend?
Good morning / morning
Good morning everyone,
Good morning, how are you doing?
Hello / Hi guys!
Hi everybody
How are you today?
How do you do?
I think we can start now.
Is everybody ready to start?
Let's start with the lesson now.

Roll-call / Attendance

I’ll call the roll
I’m going to (gonna) take attendance
Let’s take attendance, shall we?
What's wrong with ………today?
Who’s absent? Who’s absent today?
Who’s not here today?

Getting everyone’s attention

Be quiet/Quiet down, please.
Can I have your attention, please?
Could you all listen to me, please?
Excuse me...
I have a question for you
Listen to me, please.
Listen... Look...
John, are you with us?
Pay attention...
Silent, please.
So now, listen to...
Watch out!
What's up?
Would you pay attention, please?

Simple commands

Be quiet. /Quiet.
Can you plug the CD player/beamer for me, please? The socket is behind you.
Come in.
Come on, we haven’t got all day!
Go out.
Look at activity five.
Noelia, please, come to the front of the class.
Open your books to page ……
Settle down and let’s get started. Let’s settle down and get started.
Sit down.
Stand up.
Switch off………………….
Switch on the lights / the computers
Turn to page ...
Wake up.

Eliciting / reviewing information and previous knowledge

Could you tell me what you remember from our last lesson?
Does anyone remember …………………………….?
Who can remember what we were talking about at the end of last lesson?
Who can tell me ……………………………………..?
Who would like to get extra marks/credit today?

Giving out / taking in work / books / worksheets, etc.

Do you mind collecting the compositions for me, please?
Fran, would you take in / get/collect everyone’s writings/essays for me, please?
Juan, can you hand out / give out / distribute these copies, please?
Take one and pass them on.
Take one between the two of you/for the two of you.
Would you pass the dictionaries / exams to the front / the back, please?

Checking understanding

Any questions so far?
Are you ready?
Are you with me?
Do you get it?
Do you have any questions?
Do you understand me?
Do you understand?
Does it ring a bell?
How do you say.... in English?
Is it clear?
Is this right? / Is this ok?
Let's check the answers.
May I ask... ?
OK so far?
Tell me the difference between A and B
What does ( word ) mean?
What else?
What's the meaning of... ?
Who knows the answer?

Setting up an activity / Giving instructions for an activity

………… work alone / in group of four
……………to work with a partner
Can you 4 team up?
Could you turn it (the volume) up/ down.
First, let’s go over the homework / the explanation on page 25 together.
Go on / get on /continue with your work.
I want you to finish the exercises on page 16 now / at home.
I want you to share a photocopy and work together
I’d like you to get into pairs for this activity
Please, get into pairs / groups of four
Those of you that have finished exercise 5 can move on /go on to exercise 6 and 7.
We can’t hear it from here. / It’s too loud.
What I want you to do is to ……………………….
What I want you to do is to …………………………
When you finish you can……………………………..

Encouraging students and correcting errors

Go ahead
Go on
Good job / Great job
Good, you're getting better.
Great job
Have a guess.
Let me explain again.
Let's continue
Not exactly, have another try / try again.
Ok, that’s not the right answer, but let me help you with it.
Right! / you're right
That’s correct
That's correct
That's fine
That's very good.
Very good.
Well done! / Very well! / Good
Well done.
Yes, you've got it.
You need more practice with this.
You'll have to spend some more time with this.
Your answer is very good / almost right.
You've got the idea.

Setting homework / assignments, setting deadlines and reacting to homework

Before next lesson, I want you to read the story on page 10.
Do exercise 4 on page 12 for your homework.
Don’t forget your homework.
Prepare the next two pages for Monday.
Take a worksheet as you leave.
There is no homework today.
This is your homework for tomorrow.

Ending the lesson

Are you done?
Bye, have a nice day
Enjoy your day
Have you finished yet?
It's time to finish.
Let's stop now.
OK, you can put away your things. See you next week.
See you tomorrow
See you tomorrow
Stop now.
Take care
That’s all for now, see you Monday
That’s all for today, enjoy the weekend
This is all for now

Students talking to the teacher

Can I go to the toilet (bathroom), please?
Can you explain that again, please?
Can you repeat that please? I didn't understand.
Could you speak more slowly, please?
Excuse me. I'm sorry I'm late.
How do you pronounce “pressure”?
How do you say 'zzzzzzzz' in English?
How do you spell 'wonderful'?
I didn't have time to do my homework. I'm sorry.
I forgot my homework.
I'm sorry, I left my book/homework at home/ in the classroom.
May I come in?
Sorry, I don't understand that.
What does “pressure” mean?
What’s the meaning of “pressure”?
What's the difference between “latitude” and “longitude”?

Student talking to another student

Can I share your book with you?
Can you help me do this exercise?
Can you lend me a pen?
Can you pass me the rubber/eraser, please?
Excuse me, that's my book.
Have you done your homework? Did you do your homework?
It's my turn now.
We have to compare our work.
We have to work in pairs, Don’t we? Do we have to work in pairs?
What do we have to do now?
What page is it on? What page are we on?
What’s the/for homework?
Who's going to start?
Whose turn is it?

A simple list of common phrases

Ask any doubts
Be quiet
Bless you!
Can I clear the board?
Can I go to the toilet, please?
Check your answers before handing in the exam
Do you understand?
Do your homework on time
How do you say …….in English?
How do you spell it?
Look it up in a dictionary
Open your books on page……
Raise the blinds please
Raise your hand
Sorry, I don’t understand, can you repeat, please?
Speak louder please
Stand up
Start reading
Translate into English
Underline the important sentences…
What is the meaning of……?
Write in pen

Organising contents, time and places.

Any questions so far?
First.... and then / next …
From the beginning of the page...
I'm going to check/count if you're all in the classroom.
Let's start our class.
Today, we are going to...
Volunteers, please!
We are going to review the homework
What date is it today?
What's the date today?
Who is not here? ( checking roll )

Showing sympathy

Don't get it, can you repeat, please?
It´s the other way round
Make it easier.
Make it simpler
Once more / once again
Say it again..
Try again
Use your brains
What do you mean with.....?

Greetings and farewells.

Enjoy your day
Good morning
Have a nice day
Hello / Hi teacher!
How do you do?
See you tomorrow
Take care

During the lesson
Please sir, (could you….)
Meneer, (kunt u….)
What does……mean
Wat betekent…?
I don’t understand
I don’t get it
Ik snap het niet
I don’t understand this at all
It’s a complete mystery to me
Ik snap er helemaal niets van
I don’t understand what you mean
Ik snap niet wat u bedoelt
What’s wrong with this answer?
Waarom is dit antwoord niet goed?
Could you explain this (to me), please?
Kunt u mij dat uitleggen?
Could you explain this once more?
Kunt u dit nog eens uitleggen?
Could you give an example, please?
Kunt u een voorbeeld geven?
I clean forgot…..
Ik ben helemaal vergeten…..
What does it say on the blackboard?
Wat staat er op het bord?
What does it say?
Wat staat hier?
It says…
Er staat…
In this line it says…
Er staat in deze regel
This text is about…
Deze tekst gaat over…
What is this about?
Waar gaat dit over?
Do we have to learn this by heart?
Moeten we dit van buiten kennen?
I don’t follow you
Ik kan u niet volgen
I would like to ask you…
Ik zou u willen vragen…
Could you slow down a bit, please?
Kunt u wat langzamer spreken?
Could you please speak up a bit?
Could you speak a bit louder?
Kunt u wat harder praten?
Could you write more clearly?
Kunt u wat duidelijker schrijven?
Could you repeat that, please?
What was that again?
I didn’t quite catch that.
Wat zegt u?
Here you are
Thank you
Alstublieft (vragend)
Keep the class-room clean
Houd de klas schoon
Don’t eat during class
Niet eten tijdens de les

Homework etc.
Assign homework
Huiswerk opgeven
Do homework
Huiswerk maken
Do exercises
Oefeningen maken
Do a test, write a paper
Proefwerk maken
Written test
Schriftelijke overhoring
Oral test
Mondelinge overhoring
Hand in the paper/assignment
Opgave inleveren
Hand in
Hand out, distribute
Read aloud, read out loud
Hardop voorlezen
Read on your own
Stil lezen
I’ll read this to you
Ik zal jullie dit voorlezen
Extract, excerpt
Summary, outline
Marks, grades
Punten, cijfers
What a pity, what a shame, isn’t it a pity
Take a piece of chalk
Pak een krijtje
Write on the blackboard
Schrijf op het bord
Step forward, please
Kom naar voren
The buzzer hasn’t sounded yet
De bel is nog niet gegaan
Class is not yet over
De les is nog niet voorbij
It’s not yet time
Het is nog geen tijd
Do some extra work, do Lines/impositions
Strafwerk maken
Report to…
Meld je bij…

Play truant
Het spijbelen
Make blotches/smudges
Kladderen/slordig werken
Scribble, scrawl
Slordig schrijven
Write neatly
Netjes schrijven
Writing error
Slip of the pen
Spelling mistake, spelling error

Piece of chalk
Felt-tip pen, felt-tip marker
(pair of) compasses
Satchel, school-bag, backpack

First year, First form
Brugklas, kansklas
Parents’ evening
Subject-matter of a test
Proefwerk (zwaar)
Sir, mister
Miss, misses